Mechanical Equipment Rooms

Using a waterproofing system in a mechanical equipment room is essential for several reasons, as it helps protect valuable equipment and the surrounding infrastructure, ensuring the efficient operation of mechanical systems. Here are some key reasons why waterproofing systems are necessary in such environments.

Factory Trained Applicators

Using a Dex-O-Tex factory-trained applicator ensures expertise, adherence to manufacturer standards, and access to extended warranties.

Equipment Protection

Mechanical equipment rooms house expensive and critical machinery, such as HVAC systems, electrical panels, pumps, and generators. These systems are sensitive to moisture and water damage. Waterproofing helps prevent water infiltration, which can damage or even destroy this equipment, leading to costly repairs or replacements.


Water and moisture can lead to corrosion of metal components within mechanical equipment rooms. This corrosion can impair the functionality of equipment and reduce its lifespan. Waterproofing systems provide a protective barrier against moisture, thus preventing corrosion.

Electrical Safety

Electrical panels and wiring are common in mechanical equipment rooms. Water intrusion can lead to short circuits, electrical fires, and electrocution hazards. Waterproofing ensures that water does not come into contact with electrical systems, maintaining a safe environment.

Structural Integrity

Prolonged exposure to water can weaken the structural integrity of the room, including the floors and walls. Over time, this can lead to structural damage that compromises the safety of the space and the equipment it houses. Waterproofing systems help maintain the structural integrity of the room.

Mold and Mildew Prevention

Moisture can create a conducive environment for mold and mildew growth. These fungi can compromise indoor air quality and create health hazards for maintenance personnel. Waterproofing helps keep the environment dry, preventing mold and mildew issues.

Maintenance Reduction

Water damage often requires extensive and costly maintenance and repairs. By preventing water infiltration, waterproofing systems reduce the frequency and expense of maintenance, saving both time and money.

Schedule a consultation with your local technical sales representative.

Consulting with a Dex-O-Tex professional is the first step. Reach out to us now to learn more about our industry-leading waterproof deck coatings. 

Where to Use

Mechanical Equipment Room Flooring

Mechanical Equipment Rooms

Waterproof, Heavy Duty, Durable, Chemical Resistant, Slip Resistant.

Products and Systems

Proper waterproofing can extend the life of equipment and maintain the integrity of the surrounding infrastructure. It is an investment in the long-term reliability and functionality of critical mechanical equipment room flooring.

Schedule a consultation with our sales team.

Let Dex-O-Tex share over 80 years of expertise in advanced flooring, coating, waterproofing, and more. Complete your construction project proficiently with the use of superior solutions.

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