The products that leave a pharmaceutical facility must be aboveboard in every respect, from testing and development to manufacturing and packaging. Dex-O-Tex helps maintain their purity and safety standards with our flooring solutions for pharmaceutical facilities to keep them sterile and safe. They are formulated to provide excellent epoxy coating for pharmaceutical floors and for floors in hospitals, clinics, emergency rooms, operating suites, laboratories, and medical facilities.
Clean Room
Durable, Chemical Resistant, Easy to Clean, Anti Microbrial, & Asthetic
Products and Systems
Colorflake | Decor-Flor | Posi-Tred | HPT
Patient Room
Resilient underfoot, Durable, Chemical Resistant, Easy to Clean, & Aesthetic.
Products and Systems
Elasta-Flake RFS | Cheminert HD
Durable, Chemical Resistant, Easy to Clean, & Aesthetic.
Products and Systems
Elastaflake RFS | Colorflake | Terracolor |Decor-Flor | Quik-Glaze
Schedule a consultation with our sales team.
Let Dex-O-Tex share over 80 years of expertise in advanced flooring, coating, waterproofing, and more. Complete your construction project proficiently with the use of superior solutions.